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Monday 30 April 2012

Things a man/women loves to hear in LOVE


It might have been an omen, but I choose to believe that it was divine intervention that caused me to accidently post an article about the questions women ask men under this title instead of the appropriate one.

1. Men prefer statements, rather than questions, so don't ask a man, "Do you love me?" Just say, "I know you love me, no matter what you don't say." A man likes a woman who speaks her mind without needing reassurance all the time.

2. Men like to hear words of praise, and they need to believe that you like to do things their way. It's really not as submissive as it seems, but just a way to say, "I respect that you know what you are doing."

3. Men like to hear women cheer. There's a reason why those high school guys always liked the cheerleaders, and it may not be for the reasons you always believed. It might be because cheerleaders inspire them to be the best they can be. When men are feeling down, they want to hear you say, "Hey, you're great, so get out there and do your thing they way only you can."

4. Men like to hear that women can be happy, all by themselves. Since men tend to believe they need to fix everything, if we cry, they'll want to find a way to bring a smile to your face. Men tend to be drawn to happy and self assured women. It takes a load off their minds and their shoulders at the same time.

5. Men like to hear that you can handle things, but they also like to hear that you need their help, just the same. Men need to be needed, so we need to allow them to be needed by not trying to compete with them all the time. Sometimes it's wise just to let the man be right, just because you know he needs it so.


Every woman has things that they want to hear from their man, whether while they are dating or just conversing.

1. “You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.” This tells your woman that she is the greatest girl and she is the only girl for you. A lot of women love to hear it from their man, even me of course. We felt so flattered whenever people tell us something good about ourselves and of course it is much appreciated if our partner told us that.

2. “I like spending time with your parents.” The most important people in most women are their family. Spending time with their parents is a way of establishing a solid relationship with your partner. 

3. “Did you do something new with your hair?" It looks good.” Women always want to get noticed either in our appearance or something we did nice. Giving her a complement or appreciation on the things she does would certainly make her feel good.

4. "How do you feel about [anything]?" It feels good for us women that our man is really concerned to us about anything and we enjoy the feeling of being loved. Another thing, women want to know that you are interested about what happened to her day or there’s something she wants to tell you about, whether there’s a new collection of her favorite shoes or there’s a new restaurant in a nearby mall. 

5. “Let me cook dinner for you tonight.” Of course everyone wants to be taken care of and women like it, when her man would do something for her whether he does the laundry or makes her dinner for tonight. This is a special way of showing her that you really love her and women will think its sweet and thoughtful deed.


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