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Tuesday 1 May 2012


A Special Word for True love

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.

Monday 30 April 2012

Things a man/women loves to hear in LOVE


It might have been an omen, but I choose to believe that it was divine intervention that caused me to accidently post an article about the questions women ask men under this title instead of the appropriate one.

1. Men prefer statements, rather than questions, so don't ask a man, "Do you love me?" Just say, "I know you love me, no matter what you don't say." A man likes a woman who speaks her mind without needing reassurance all the time.

2. Men like to hear words of praise, and they need to believe that you like to do things their way. It's really not as submissive as it seems, but just a way to say, "I respect that you know what you are doing."

3. Men like to hear women cheer. There's a reason why those high school guys always liked the cheerleaders, and it may not be for the reasons you always believed. It might be because cheerleaders inspire them to be the best they can be. When men are feeling down, they want to hear you say, "Hey, you're great, so get out there and do your thing they way only you can."

4. Men like to hear that women can be happy, all by themselves. Since men tend to believe they need to fix everything, if we cry, they'll want to find a way to bring a smile to your face. Men tend to be drawn to happy and self assured women. It takes a load off their minds and their shoulders at the same time.

5. Men like to hear that you can handle things, but they also like to hear that you need their help, just the same. Men need to be needed, so we need to allow them to be needed by not trying to compete with them all the time. Sometimes it's wise just to let the man be right, just because you know he needs it so.


Every woman has things that they want to hear from their man, whether while they are dating or just conversing.

1. “You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.” This tells your woman that she is the greatest girl and she is the only girl for you. A lot of women love to hear it from their man, even me of course. We felt so flattered whenever people tell us something good about ourselves and of course it is much appreciated if our partner told us that.

2. “I like spending time with your parents.” The most important people in most women are their family. Spending time with their parents is a way of establishing a solid relationship with your partner. 

3. “Did you do something new with your hair?" It looks good.” Women always want to get noticed either in our appearance or something we did nice. Giving her a complement or appreciation on the things she does would certainly make her feel good.

4. "How do you feel about [anything]?" It feels good for us women that our man is really concerned to us about anything and we enjoy the feeling of being loved. Another thing, women want to know that you are interested about what happened to her day or there’s something she wants to tell you about, whether there’s a new collection of her favorite shoes or there’s a new restaurant in a nearby mall. 

5. “Let me cook dinner for you tonight.” Of course everyone wants to be taken care of and women like it, when her man would do something for her whether he does the laundry or makes her dinner for tonight. This is a special way of showing her that you really love her and women will think its sweet and thoughtful deed.


Tuesday 10 April 2012


You came into my life
Quietly, simply, tenderly...
The world stood still
I could not say a word
Nor a single gestured showed.

The feeling kept in my heart
So I've loved you in silence
Worshipped you from a distance
And dreamt of you so often.

I want to say I Love You,
But I'm afraid...
Afraid that you'll just take it for granted.
In silence then, I'll just love you.
In silence I'll find...
The fulfillment of my dreams.

                             SOMETIMES WE NEVER SAY I LOVE YOU.......
                                            BUT  WE  DO WITHOUT CONDITION..................

Saturday 10 March 2012



Interesting Facts Boys Girls-Love Quotes-Funny Hum Tum Image

                                                   INTERESTING FACT ABOUT BOYS:                                                  

1.Crying is blackmail.

2.Boys go crazy over a girl’s smile

3.Boys want you to give us space in relationship and not stick like a gum every time.
4.Boys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend.

5.boys will do anything just to get the girl’s attention.
6.Boys love attending beautiful gardens then your parties.

7.Boys love their moms.
8.If you think you’re fat, you probably are. Don’t ask us.

9.Boys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts.
10.If a guy lets you go, he really loves you.
11.Boys hate girls who overreact.

12.Girls are alloBoysd to touch Boys’ things. Not their hair!
13.Boys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read
and take as their basis of experience

14.If a guy suddenly asks you for a date, ask him first why.
15.When a guy calls you everyday, he is in love

16.When a guy is not arguing, He realizes he’s wrong.
17  Boys are always charged with his real love.
18.When a guy calls you, he wants to be with you.

19.Men are NOT mind readers.
20.Yes and No are perfectly acceptable ansBoysrs to almost every question.

21  Boys always try to get in touch  if he really love someone.
22  When a boy fall in love he can do anything in the presence of his real love.

23  Boys always try to make a fun for his love.
24 Boys are like a child and he wants care for him. 

                                                   INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT GIRL.

1. When a girl says she’s sad, but she isn’t crying, it means she’s crying in her heart.
2. When she ignores you after you’ve done something wrong, it’s best to give her some time to cool down before touching her heart with an apology.

3. A girl can’t find anything to hate about the guy she loves (which is why it is so hard for her to ‘get over him’ after the relationship’s over.)
4. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind every minute of the day, although she flirts with other guys.

5. When the guy she likes smiles and stares deep into her eyes, her heart will melt.
6. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually is not sure how to react to them.

7. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go easy on the smiles and stare ok?
8. If you don’t like a girl who likes you, break it to her gently.

9. If a girl starts avoiding you after you reject her, leave her alone for a while. If you still treat her as a friend, talk to her.
10. Girls enjoy talking about what they feel. Music, poetry, drawings and writing are ways of expressing themselves (which explains why most girls like writing journals).

11. Never tell a girl that she is useless in anyway.
12. Being too serious can turn a girl off.

13. When the guy she likes calls her for the first time, the girl may act uninterested during the call. But as soon as the phone is back on the hook, she will whoop with joy and immediately start telephoning her friends to spread the news.
14. A smile means a lot to a girl.

15. If you like a girl, try making friends with her first. Let her get to know you.
16. If a girl says she can’t go out with you because she has to study, leave it.

17. But if she still calls you or expect a call from you, stay.
18. Don’t try to guess a girl’s feelings. Ask her.
19. Hearing the words “I love you” is a great reassurance to a girl that she is beautiful.


 Awesome Home Dream

Monday 27 February 2012

What say your Zodiac Sign BY PROFESSOR HUM FOR TUM(GIRLS)


Woman( 21st January to 19th February)
and confusion
describe the characteristics profile of an Aquarius female. The same
goes for her love life too. She is very loyal, but at the same time,
she is also a little detached and not extremely emotional. She will be
committed and remain faithful too, but do not try to bind her. Let her
enjoy her freedom and in return, she will come back to you when she
gets tired of her expeditions. Her dreams are very different from that
of a normal female and she hums a different tune, which most of us have
not even heard of.

An Aquarian female is like a butterfly, which sits on every flower,
but belongs to none. She loves her freedom and if you can accept this,
she will love you even more. Within her boundless limits, her love will
also be limitless. Position and power matter to her more than money and
bank balance. If you want her to fall in love with you, be true and
honest, not only to others, but also
to yourself. You don't need to follow her rules. You can form your own
code of ethics, but be sure to live by them.

Passion is not one of the personality traits of Aquarian girl.
Rather, her love will be subtle and unassuming. She is intense, but may
prefer to be platonic most of the time. Hosting as well as attending
parties comes naturally to her and she will always be a social delight.
She will trust you completely and will not be unduly suspicious of your
activities. You will also not be bothered by too much jealousy or
possessiveness on her part. Her trust arises from the fact that before
committing, she had dissected your behavior under a microscope.

Only after being convinced of your integrity did she take the next
step. Still, if you become unfaithful to her, she will be extremely
hurt and is likely to remember the wound for a long time. With an
Aquarian female, out of sight means out of mind too. So, make sure to
around here always. She has a very strong will power. If she thinks the
relationship is not working and has no chances of improving also, she
will break it right away; though doing so may tear her heart into two
pieces. Like every Aquarian, she will remember her first love
throughout her life.


Woman( 21st March to 20th April)Romance
is something that no Aries
can live without and the same goes for an Aries woman also. However,
for her, not getting on without romance is not same as not being able
to live without a man. In her heart, she will always be yearning for
that someone special, thinking about him in the monsoon and that will
be her idea of romance. She doesn't need a real man for it. Aries
female is the one who will do anything and everything herself, without
needing any male help. One of her basic personality traits is total
confidence in her abilities.

She has to lead, to be the first one to do anything. At times, her
independence does not go well with the male ego. However, an Aries girl
never wants a puppy for a lover or a husband. She seeks a man, but not
the one who constantly chases her. The best way to woo her is to throw
subtle hints, be a little detached and keep her wondering. Give her the
impression that
you can resist her charms and she will come rushing to you, to prove
that she's desirable. Aries women will never have to yearn for male

They always get plenty of it, but inside they will be waiting for the
one they cannot have. An
Aries woman can survive even the toughest of circumstances alone and
has the ability to come back even after the most gruesome tragedies.
She can play the role of a female perfectly and, at the same time, can
do everything that a man can do. If you have managed to subdue her
aggressive drive, you will be treated to a woman who is full of
optimism and has such faith in future that can uplift your mood also.

An Aries female does not like flattery. You should be sincere while
complimenting her. Over-sweetness and too much closeness can make her
run away, but she doesn't want you to be too detached also. You'll have
to maintain that delicate balance and still keep the romance alive.
Once she has
committed to you, she will be extremely sentimental and very loyal.
Don't dominate an Aries female and don't let her dominate you. Either
of the extremes, she will not be able to tolerate. Give her reasons to
be proud of you, but do not forget to praise her for her talent too.
Her expectations are too high, but she will also give you double in

She is very possessive and love is something she can never share.
She can be very jealous even at the slightest of suspicion. In case you
have a female secretary, it is better to bid her good bye right now. If
an Aries girl gets hurt, she will become as cold as the ice in your
fridge and this behavior may last an entire lifetime. She is generous
to the faults of her loved ones and it is better not to criticize them
in front of her. On the other hand, if you are good to her, she will be
extremely kind, tender, loyal and supportive.

You will get plenty of reasons to be jealous when you are
with an Aries female, since she is more comfortable with men than
women. However, don't be suspicious of her, she would be really hurt.
She is possessive, but she doesn't like to be possessed. She wants her
freedom and your complete trust. Remember, if she's committed to you,
you have no reasons to doubt her loyalty and sincerity. An Aries woman
is much too truthful to be involved with two people at the same time.
She will first break up the relationship that is not working.

She is extremely passionate and believes in forever-lasting
Though, this leaves her disillusioned many a times. She will never play
games with you and is incapable of deceit. An Aries girl is nothing if
not simple, innocent and very emotional. Maximum chances are that she
will continue her career even after marriage. She loves challenges and
believes in miracles. Though it sounds a little freaky, but miracles do
happen in her case. Just like a typical
Aries, she never learns from her mistakes and is likely to fall in the
same hole again.

her love means sharing and that means sharing everything, right from
her emotions and checkbook to your bank account. Always respect an
Aries woman and never try to dampen her zeal, or she will be hurt.
Though she tries to show that she is very strong, she is as innocent
and as vulnerable as a baby.
Be there to comfort her when she runs up to you after being
disappointed with the world. If you stand up to her when she comes to
you like this, you will never ever lose her. An Aries female will never
forgive you if you fail to fight for her.


  Woman( 22nd June to 23rd July)HaVE
you met a Cancerian woman
recently? Are you a little confused as to what she really is - chirpy
or somber or distant? She is all of these and still, she is none of
these. More confused? A Cancerian woman has mood swings every now and
then and these are some of her mood swings only. However, her basic
personality traits remain the same. She is very sensitive, emotional,
kind and caring. Now's the catch! Most of her traits will be hidden
behind a shell of indifference and aloofness.

You will have to gently coerce a Cancerian girl to get out of that
shell and come into the big bad world without it. The best time to do
this is in the moonlight, when there are maximum changes of catching
her in her true emotions. When in love, she will be tender, womanly,
timid and modest.
She dislikes criticisms, can't stand rejection and gets deeply hurt by
harsh words. Too much aggressiveness on your part may make her
a little hesitant. A Cancer woman will never make the first move in a
relationship; she only knows how to move backwards or sideways.

is because of two reasons, her shyness and the fear of being rejected.
She loves her mother, so you better learn to love as well as respect
her too. This female has some secrets and she won't like your prying
around her personal diary. She is very insecure and will need your
constant reassurance. It doesn't matter if she is the current 'Miss
Universe' or has men drooling over her all the time. It is your
attention and appreciation she is the most concerned about. A Cancer
female is a great cook and makes better food than a five-star hotel


Woman( 22nd December to 20th January)It
is very difficult to define the
characteristics profile of a Capricorn girl exactly. She can be the
sexy babe on the beach or a scientist sitting in the laboratory, doing
experiments that can save mankind. Whatever she is on the outside, when
you look inside you will find a girl who looks for security, authority,
respect and position. It is an entirely different matter how she seeks
to achieve these goals. It may be as the president of a country or as
the wife of an ambitious man. She seeks recognition and it doesn't
matter how she gets it.

A Capricorn female is like that goat, which has to reach the top of
the mountain. It doesn't matter what position she starts and how slowly
she walks, she will be at the top much before those, who were running
in front of her. She will do it with such subtlety that you wouldn't
even know when she crossed all the milestones. She has her aims and
ambitions, but they
don't come before her family. She can enjoy the role of a wife or a
mother as much as that of the CEO of the biggest MNC. However, you will
have to provide her with equivalent respect and security.

Almost all the Capricorn women have immaculate etiquettes.
They have an inherent sense of social elegance, modesty and
conventional look. Though she looks completely calm, composed and
balanced, don't think she doesn't have mood swings. She can become
really depressed if she thinks that someone has misjudged or
ill-treated her. In such a case, she may brood for months at a time.
This stems from the fact that she does not feel as secure as she seems
to be and fears being ridiculed or laughed at.

It is advisable not to tease a Capricorn girl; she may take it too
literally. Though she may pretend otherwise, she seeks as much
compliments as the other girls, probably even more. Show her that you
appreciate her and make her feel secure. It
will help her in opening up and showing her deliberately controlled
passion. A Capricorn girl's personality doesn't include the trait of
wishful thinking. She sees only those dreams that can be converted into
reality. She enters a boat only when she knows that the waters are

She will emphasize heavily on social etiquettes and you never see
her serving the guests in anything but crystal cutlery. There will
always be something fresh about her beauty and she will never ever be
unattractive, even when she is wearing those hair-curlers. A Capricorn
female will appear to be extremely confident, but inside she is quite
unsure about her appearance. You will have to reassurance her time and
again that she is attractive. She will always be honest and will expect
the same from you.

At the same time, you will have to respect her family. Remember when
you marry a Capricorn woman; you marry her family and relatives too. If
ever you criticize
her family members, better ensure that the criticism is constructive or
she will never forgive you. Her love for you will never prevent her
from taking care of her family.
The plus point of this attitude is that she will be equally considerate
towards your family too and give them the same respect as her own
fellows. She will never mind if you cancel your holiday trip to pay for
dad's operation.


Gemini Woman( 22nd May to 21st June)  Marrying
one Gemini woman is like living with two different wives.
Confused? Don't be, we are just talking about her dual personality. She
has a dual nature and is capable of displaying different personality
traits at different points of time. However, your major task will be to
get her to commit. She is so fidgety that it becomes very difficult
for her to become deeply involved with one person or place. The mind of
a Gemini female never settles down at one place and her thoughts are
always wandering.

However, if you do manage to blend with her at the mental,
spiritual as well as physical level, you will be introduced to a woman
full of passion. In her youth, she is least likely to be bounded by a
relationship or commitment. She may love your most irritating habits
one minute and be extremely sarcastic about your new stylish haircut
the very next. Maturity may
bring a little bit stability in her. All this doesn't mean that Gemini
women are not romantic at all. Infact, for them, romance is the one of
the easiest means of communication.

they always have some thoughts to express, romance never goes out of
their life. However, commitment is an entirely different term. A
Gemini girl may love your intelligence, but she will also notice your
lack of interest in creative arts. It is same the other way round too.
Puzzled? You should be, at times, even she is baffled by her own
complex nature. She is so vivacious and full of life that with her, you
will forget even the deepest of troubles. She has the ability to light
up the most somber of surroundings with her presence.

A Gemini woman will be full of the small, sentimental gestures that
keep alive the romance in a relationship. She will always find new ways
of telling you how much she loves you and will shower you with her
alluring charm.
She may act like a typical woman at one point of time, be a nervous
wreck the other minute and engage in an intelligent conversation the
very next second. She has the feminine charms, but she will never be
clinging on to you. One thing that you will never find in a Gemini
woman's characteristics profile is monotony and boredom.

She finds something good in all the men she meets and then, wants a
man who has all of those qualities. However, this can't be and then,
she keeps longing for that perfect man! She can be your best friend,
your sports partner, your racing competitor and but a tough lover. Just
remember one thing, she is single-handedly giving you all this, so
don't expect consistency from her. A Gemini female can look at other
even when she is sincerely in love with you. Change is in her nature
and she has to learn to control her own behavior. Just make sure to
keep her interested in you and she will remain totally

She will never be suspicious of you and will expect
the same from you in return. You may be out till 3 in the morning and
she won't even bat an eyelid. A Gemini girl will always respect your
individuality and you will be required to do the same. She may forget
to do the dishes every now and then, but you can have the most
soul-satisfying conversations with her. She will keep your intellect as
well as creativity stimulated. Motherhood will come naturally to her
and she will make a happy and gay mother, who will respect the
individuality of the children.

Gemini woman makes an excellent hostess and will charm the guests
with her grace. They will be treated to the best of cuisine, that too
in silver cutlery. She can easily get along with anyone, right from
your boss to the peon of your office. With a Gemini wife, you will feel
as if you are with a different woman every other day. When she wants to
speak, she will speak and when she
wants to fly, she will fly. You don't know how she flies; just listen
to her imagination and you will know. She is full of hopes, desires and
dreams and you are welcome to share them. Just make sure that you are
with her when she needs you!

Woman( 24th July to 23rd August)There
is one thing that most of the
Leo women never falls short of - male attention. She will most probably
be the center of attention everywhere and if you are trying to woo her,
be ready to get lots of competition. She will be the leader of her
group and the other members will always accept her out of choice. The
typical characteristics profile of a Leo woman includes qualities like
liveliness, ingenuity, elegance, beauty, and sensuality. She is one of
those who love, respect and care for their partners, but don't expect
her to worship you.

She wouldn't be dominated; rather she has to be restrained.
She is a complete woman and she expects you to be a real man. If you
meet a Leo girl who comes across as very gentle, mellowed and
completely harmless, don't get fooled. Inside, she is as passionate as
any other Leo woman. If you are planning to give her a gift; better
make sure that it is classy and as per
her superior taste. Please be properly dressed while giving the gift.
If you are trying to win the heart of a Leo female, give her genuine,
decent and original compliments.

courting her, never forget that she likes class and style. Don't even
think of going to the roadside hamburger stall after watching the
movie. She is not after money, but shabby surroundings make her pretty
uncomfortable. In return, she will also shower you expensive gifts. The
lioness may become a little arrogant and proud at times, but these are
some of her basic personality traits. She cannot help thinking of
herself above the normal masses and please don't tell her she's not.

You will break her big, warm heart. A Leo woman who is
respected, loved and cherished will become one of the most agreeable as
well as the kindest person on this earth. She will care for the
children and help the needy. The lioness is a combination of
intelligence, wit, strength
and talent, mixed with generous amounts of feminine charm. This is what
makes her irresistible. The best way to make her do anything is flatter
her and she will even do the tiniest of chores for you. Never stop her
from having a career after marriage.

It will keep her busy, happy and contended. She will be the best
wife and the perfect hostess, who knows how to charm the guests. Leo
women are not very careful about money and you will have to restrain
her in this aspect. She can indulge in extravagance to fulfill her
desire for exquisite furnishings, home décor, gifts for
friends or even
her own clothes. However, one thing is for sure, neither her home
nor she will ever look ordinary. Her taste may be a bit expensive, but
it is also excellent. Leo females make affectionate mothers.

They love and pamper their children silly, but also demand
respect from them. They will be disciplined and have impeccable
manners. Leo woman will be
proud of you as well as her children. She wants her independence and
will give you yours too. At the same time, she is extremely jealous and
possessive and even the slightest suspicion can make her go mad. So,
better not try to play the jealousy invoking tricks on her. She doesn't
warm up to strangers, but she will not give them the cold shoulder

Leo women are very popular amongst the opposite sex and they
like to receive male attention and compliments. So, you will get plenty
of reasons to be jealous. Remember that all this assures her that
she is good enough, but she will always be in love with you. With the
Leo girl, you have to maintain a difficult balance. Don't let her
control you, but then don't make her feel dominated too. If you manage
to do all this, you will be getting the love of a woman most of the
other men just dream about!

Woman( 24th September to 23rd October)A
Libran female is total woman, complete with the charming manners and
delightful elegance.
She can also argue with the convincing male logic and beat you at any
argument. However, the male side may come in front of you after
sometime. Debate attracts her and she weighs both sides of the
situation with total fairness. A Libra girl may start an argument alone
and finish it alone, with your contribution being only some occasional
comments. While she is arguing with you, she may smile every now and

Before you know it, you will feel captivated by her smile and
charm. By this time, she would have won the argument as well as your
heart. Of course, you won't mind that, since she convinces with such
carefully balanced and logical arguments. A typical Libran female
characteristics profile includes a constant need to be fair and
balanced. The best part is that she presents
her case in such a tactful way that you don't feel offended at all. At
the same time, she is not stubborn and easily changes her mind if she
finds your arguments more logical and convincing.

She will never stick to a viewpoint just because its hers and your
opinion will matter to her as much as her own. Libran women love
luxurious surroundings and sloppy, dirty surroundings make them feel
If subjected to such environs for too long, they can fall physically
ill too. Most of them work after marriage. Apart from money, one of the
basic reasons for this is that for them, marriage is also like a
partnership and both the partners have to carry out the
responsibilities together.

Solitaire is not their kind of game. A Libra woman never seeks to
dominate in a relationship and the husband always gets the respect he
At the same time, she keeps him from making mistakes or taking wrong
decisions. He takes the lead
and she tries to smooth out the results of his decisions. She will
never go against his decisions, but if he's wrong, she will slowly
tread him to the correct path. She is emotional, but not while forming
opinions or passing judgments. At that point of time, facts are what
matters to her the most.

Being suspicious is not one of the personality traits of a Libran
girl. She trusts you completely and opening your personal mail will be
wrong in her eyes. She expresses her emotions easily and lavishly; you
will never find yourself complaining in this aspect. There will be no
dearth of charming glances, gentle strokes, affectionate hugs and
loving kisses. After marriage, you will never come back to a dirty
home. Everything will be spick and span, right from your drawing room
to your wife to the kids.

A Libra female loves talking, but she will patiently listen to your
monologues too. She is all feminine, where love and romance is
However, when some crisis situation crops up, she will be as strong as
any man. She will always be there to help you, motivate you, build up
your strength and support you. With children, she will be loving,
caring and a little strict, especially where respecting you is
concerned. She will dote on them, but they will never come before you.
You were the first love of her life and she will never forget that.

She will never let the kids disrespect you and your needs will
always come first. If you become too strict with them, she will be
there to wipe their tears and give them the chocolate you denied. A
Libra woman may become a little imbalanced once in a while. Still, the
harmony and balance will return soon and she will become her usual
lovable self again. She is one of the few females who can play the
princess with the perfect captivating charm and, with as much ease,
lend you a supporting hand in crisis. And she melts your heart with
enticing charm and alluring smile too!

Woman( 20th February to 20th March)A
Pisces female is full of
womanly charms and at the very first glance, she will look like the
girl every guy falls in love with. She looks totally vulnerable, very
different from the modern, liberated girl of today. Almost every guy
feels like taking her in his arms and protecting her from the big bad
world. She is one of those
women who stand behind their husbands and support them in every way
they can. A Piscean female will never try to dominate her husband.
Rather she will like it if you do the usual gallant gestures, like
holding the door for her.

She wants her man to love her, protect her and take good care of
her. She will lean on him completely, showing full confidence in his
strength and abilities. This acts like a solid ego boost to almost
every male. She will always be a patient listener, with whom you can
share all your secret dreams, desires and hopes. She
doesn't have a single masculine streak in her and if you are looking
for the typical womanly traits, then Pisces girl is the one for you.
She is totally feminine, in all the seasons and at all the places.

She can sit adoringly with you, admiring your each and every quality.
The warmth of her personality makes most the men relax in an instant
and bask in the glory of their manhood. Enough
for the initial falling in and courtship period! Now comes the time of
marriage and life after that. A Pisces woman nags just like all the
other women and she has a bad temper too. In her fury, she can turn
bitterly sarcastic. The consolation here is that she is gentle for more
periods, than she is nudging and prodding.

Infact, majority of the time, she will be yielding, wistful and all
womanly. Her scathing tongue will become loose once in a while only. In
case you have found the opposite characteristics profile in a Piscean
woman, chances are
that she suffered extremely harsh treatment at a very young age and the
bitterness will be a result of that trauma only. She has certain
subtleness around her and may also become a little deceptive at times.
She is not mean; it's just that she feels like keeping certain things
to herself only.

Then, the deceptiveness also helps her in keeping you interested in
her. A Pisces female is very sentimental and even slightly harsh words
can cause her to cry hours at end.
You can easily imagine what will happen when you really hurt her
feelings. She may imagine herself to totally worthless and incapable of
the fighting spirit to survive. Then, you will have to assure her that
she is appreciated for her great wisdom, empathy and vast
understanding. You know that whatever you are saying is true; it's just
a matter of convincing her about the same.

You will have to remove her doubts about herself or she may become
too closeted in
self-defense. A Pisces girl is very shy, emotional and vulnerable. To
protect her susceptibility, she often wears a cloak of wittiness,
frigidity and independence. She is afraid of exposing her true self,
lest people hurt her in the process. She is a true romantic and
secretly yearns for a person who will love her, cuddle her, hug her and
make her feel loved and protected. As a mother she may be too
permissive and find it difficult to teach discipline.

You may have to teach her the fine balance between controlling and
pampering. A Piscean female will sacrifice her own dreams to realize
the hopes of her children. She may not be good with finances, but will
manage to save money if the situation so desires. She will remember the
smallest incidents of your life, so you better remember her birthday
and your anniversary. She may become dreamy once in a while, but then
she will always be there with you, without being asked to. She is
someone you will
want to take care of, throughout your life!

women are quite independent and love their freedom. They are attached
to their family, but not too much. If you want to get something done
from a Sagittarian female, just ask her; don't order. She will never
ever do it. She is your better half and don't you dare forget that. On
the other hand, she doesn't want a sissy for a husband or boyfriend. He
has to be a real man, who has his ego and won't stand for nonsense. So,
you will be expected to balance politeness with firmness.

I know it's difficult - but then, since when was winning someone
easy. With a Sagittarius girl, you will never have to guess. She says
what she thinks and how she acts shows what she feels. This bluntness
may cost her heavily at times, even to the point of ending the
relationship. Still, she would act as if
she's not hurt at all and it is just one of the many harmless
flirtations she's had. People will even believe all this, while inside
she will be weeping and nursing her wounds. All this time, she will be
analyzing what went wrong and when.

The word 'marriage' makes a Sagittarian female a little nervous and
you will need to tempt her in order to make her settle down. She is
a little hard to catch and tends to be one of the boys all the time.
That doesn't mean she looks or acts like a man! Infact, she is as
female as any other girl is. The society and its norms do not
matter to her. She can never be the hypocrite that some people are and
tend to wiggle a few tongues. Her honesty and brusqueness further add
to the negative opinions.

Don't be fooled by them. Look deep inside a Sagittarius female and
you will find a woman who is so enthusiastic about life and who trusts
easily. Infact, this extreme belief makes her heart vulnerable and
defenseless. It gets broken too often, but then, she knows how to move
on with life. You will be tempted to care for her. It's natural. There
are hardly any people who can resist the bright and charming
disposition of a Sagittarius girl. She will not be too good with money
and will most probably be on the extravagant side.

She is very sentimental and emotional, though it seems otherwise.
It just that, where her feelings are concerned, she becomes too shy.
After marriage, your house will always remain sparkling clean, even if
you don't have a maid to do that. She cannot stand sloppiness, it
doesn't appeal to her sensibilities. She may not be too good at
cooking, but she will also not burn your egg every day. A Sagittarian
girl may pass the most sarcastic comments when she is angry, but she
will forget the resentment soon enough. Then, she won't understand why
you are so upset.

As a mother, she will be very friendly with the kids. Infact,
she will be more of a chum, than a mom. Only, you will have to teach
them to take her bluntness with a pinch of salt. Apart from that, she
will be wonderful and make them as independent as she is. She will be a
lovely hostess to guests and make them feel at home. Just let her be
what she is. Don't try to change her and don't curb her individuality.
She will brighten your life with her optimism, boost you with loyalty,
trust you blindly and shower her affection on you. She will encourage
you to see dreams and help you in making them come true!

Woman( 24th October to 22nd November)The
beauty of a Scorpio woman is
exceptional, mysterious and totally magnetic. She knows that and is
proud of herself. She will control her wish to dominate and will let a
man lead in a relationship, atleast during courtship. She knows how to
hypnotize a man and gets successful, more often than not. Don't expect
a Scorpio female to rush into your arms in front of a thousand people
and shout her feelings at the top of her voice. Instead, she will come
close to you, glance at you in a sensual way and whisper the most
romantic words in a seductive tone.

If you are not sincere with your feelings, don't even try to get
close to a Scorpio girl. With those beautiful, penetrating eyes of
hers, she can read exactly what is on your mind. She can easily make
out your real intentions, so Don't Flirt. It will amount to insulting
her and I assure you, insulting her is not at all good for your health.
Even when her tone is
soothing, her disposition kind and her smile generous, she can be
planning the most powerful retaliation. When a Scorpio woman is
insulted or gets hurt, her fury knows no bounds.

she can become the most hard-hearted and most sarcastic person on this
earth. If she loves with fierce devotion, she hates with devastating
malice. If you are really in love with her, then you need to know more
about her. She has a very hypnotic gaze and the moment her eyes meet
your, you will go tumbling down in her deep passion. Being noticed by a
Scorpio female definitely gives a boost to a man's ego. She needs a man
who is stronger than she is and weakness in him won't get her sympathy
at all.

'Behind every successful man, there is a woman'; this
idiom is perfect in case of the husband who has a Scorpio wife. For
her, the future, the happiness and the dreams of her husband hold the
supreme importance. She will always defend him fiercely in public and
won't take nicely to anyone taking advantage of him. She will always
encourage him to reach for the stars, build his courage and never let
him turn back from midway. Scorpio women love their homes and keep them
spic and span.

Now comes the dangerous part. A Scorpio girl is extremely jealous
and fiercely possessive of her loved ones. She is prone to suspicions;
so don't give reasons to be doubtful of you. On the other hand, you
will have to control your jealousy, since she will be attracting a lot
of members of the opposite sex. She also dislikes being possessed by
anyone, including you. In such a scenario, just remember that a Scorpio
woman will always be loyal and
devoted to you, even in the worst of circumstances.

Woman( 21st April to 21st May)When
you come across a Taurus
female, the first thing you will notice about her is her undefeatable
emotional strength. She is capable of handling the severest of
problems, without shedding even a single tear. She has the infamous
Taurus temper, but it is seldom displayed. Atleast not until the
provocation is too much to digest. She is as feminine as any other
female, without the unnecessary tantrums. A Taurus woman has no desire
of dominating her husband. She will let him handle the reins, infact
this is what she secretly desires.

A Taurus woman wants a real man, who can make her proud of
himself as much as she is proud of herself. However, if he fails in his
role, she will take the control in her own hands. Neither will she
act like a mewing kitten, nor like a roaring lioness. She is
independent and has a mind of her own, but she does not want to
dominate in the relationship. Taurean women do not see
social status while making their friends. They want to be friends with
people who do not hide their true nature and come across as they really

friends may be a little weird, but they will not be phonies or
hypocrites. A Taurus girl doesn't fight with people she dislikes, she
simply ignores them and becomes indifferent to their presence. However,
she will be loyal to her true friends and they will remain with her
throughout her life. In return, she will expect them to stand by her
when she needs them. A Taurean woman also gets jealous, but only if you
exceed the limits of casual flirtation. Everything has a limit and this
also does. It's better not to provoke her anger or you will be very

She is brainy, but not too much interested in intellectual
subjects. She is practical in her thinking and does not feel the need
to indulge in mental gymnastics. She is balanced in her approach and
you will hardly see her in a
restless disposition. A Taurean girl hates anything artificial, be the
flowers in her vase or the friends in her life. She has to feel the
fragrance of real roses and the presence of real people. The beauty of
Mother Nature especially pleases her.

Ugliness of any kind makes her miserable and repulsive. She loves
to be amidst colorful surroundings, like gardens blooming with flowers.
A Taurean female has a good taste, so please be very careful before
taking her out. She is a very good cook herself and you will always be
treated to excellent homemade food. She is also very much interested in
the art forms, like painting. She is a tomboy at heart and will enjoy
many guy-things like horse riding, going on a roller coaster ride,
fishing, etc. 

Woman( 24rd August to 23rd September)One
thing you need to know about a
Virgo woman - she has guts and lots of them! It doesn't mean that she
is not as shy and as reserved as she seems to be. It's just that she
can do anything and everything for the people she loves. By love, she
mean real love, no other type of love exists for her. A Virgo female is
a complete woman! She has all the charms and tricks that any other
female has, but she is not weak. Infact, she has quite a determination
and can do anything if she sets her mind to it.

She will be completely devoted and loyal to you in a relationship.
Still, if it doesn't seems to be working, she will severe all the ties
and become as cold as the North Pole. Virgo women's characteristics
profile is an odd mix of emotions and practicality, romance and common
sense. When they fall in love, they show such extreme passion and
intensity that only few other women can. Making them fall in love is,
an entirely different task. They will demand total perfection from you,
even though they may fall short in that arena.

better to get used to their critical nature. A Virgo girl believes that
she is extremely efficient and organized and what is more annoying is,
that she is right. She is a stickler for time and it's better not to be
late when you are meeting her. She will not break the new, expensive
vase when she is upset, but she can be very demanding and fussy. If the
fault is yours, admit that you are wrong and say it while handing her
the flowers. Don't even try to argue, or she will lose her temper

It is better to leave her alone for sometime and she will cool again.
On the other hand, a Virgo woman will find it very hard to accept that
she is wrong.
The fact is, most of the time she's not. When you are courting her as
well as after you get married, it is advisable to mind your manners.
She cannot tolerate someone
using abusive language, coming late, dressing sloppily, not minding
table manners, etc. It's better to brush up your vocabulary too. She
will not cling to you, nor will she become totally aloof.

She is also very good with finances and extravagance is not one of her
personality traits. A Virgo female cannot stand public displays of
affection and it is better to be subtle in this area.
Her taste is very good and her intellect quite developed. If you are
trying to woo her, take her to places like theatre, art gallery, etc.
Just like a typical Virgo, she is prone to worrying about things too
much and she will do your part of the job too. She is very much
attached to the ground and prefers to live in the real world.

You let a Virgo female do her part of making things seem just
perfect and she will keep you entertained with all her feminine charms.
She is very sensitive and her feelings are pretty fragile, but she will
exceedingly strong when you need her support.
With kids, she will be very considerate and you will never see them
running around in their underclothes. She will gentle, but firm and
will demand complete discipline from them. Even though a Virgo woman is
very critical, she will not take criticism very nicely. It never works
the other way round for her.

The reason for this is that she is as aware of her own
imperfections as she is of yours. So, she doesn't need you to remind
her of her own shortcomings every now and then. Instead of fretting
over her perfectionism, you should feel blessed to have such a charming
female who never makes your house look like a garbage dump. Your toast
will never get burnt and your coffee will always taste just perfect.
She has a witty side too and when she laughs, it seems like the ringing
of little bells, doesn't it!